Singer-actor Zayn Malik recently left his fans taken aback after he dropped a picture of himself dressed up as the iconic 'Harry Potter' character Lord Voldemort for the Halloween season. While netizens went gaga over his look and how he nailed it with perfection, a section of the internet lashed out at him for staying mum over the ongoing Israel-Palestine war.
Zayn looked unrecognisable as he transformed into Lord Voldemort from JK Rowling's best-selling 'Harry Potter' novels. He wore a prosthetic bald head patch, and completed his look with Voldemort's trademark snake-like nose as well as the character's signature black gown.
"Happy Halloween," he captioned the post.
As soon as he dropped the photo, netizens flooded the comments section lauding him for the makeover and stated that he looked really scary.
"Zayn what the hell you scared the sh*t out of me," a user commented, while another wrote, "Gonna cry this is terrifying".
In the midst of this, a bunch of netizens slammed the singer, who is of Pakistani descent, for staying silent on the ongoing Israel-Palestine war as Israel continues its attack on Gaza strip.
"Sir people are dying in Palestine this is what you're posting," a user said in the comments section. Another wrote, "This is so tone deaf. Your own daughter has Palestinian blood. And you decide to post about Halloween. And nothing about what's happening in Gaza. The least you could have done was use your platform and voice."
Zayn was in a relationship with supermodel Gigi Hadid since 2015 and in 2020, they welcomed their first child together, a baby girl. They parted ways in 2021. For the unawares, Gigi is half-Palestinian, as her father is from a Palestinian descent.