Actress Harshaali Malhotra, who won the hearts of all desi movie-lovers with her portrayal of the innocent Munni in Salman Khan's Bajrangi Bhaijaan, announced her Class 10 result on Tuesday with a quirky video. Thanking her 'haters' for motivating her to do better, Harshaali revealed that she scored an impressive 83 per cent in her CBSE Class 10 board exams.
In the video that Harshaali shared on her Instagram handle, she can be seen dismissing hate comments, in which the trolls can be seen asking her if she studies at all or just makes and watches reels, among other jibes.
As the video proceeded, she announced, "Thank you all for asking, I scored 83% in my 10th CBSE". The video concluded with her message, "Thank you to the haters too. Hahaha!"
Harshaali captioned the video, "From perfecting my Mudras to acing my academics, I managed to strike the perfect balance between my Kathak classes, Shoots and Studies. And the result? An impressive 83% score!"
"Who says you can’t have your feet in both the reel and real world? A heartfelt thank you to everyone who believed in me and continues to offer their unwavering support," she added.
Harshaali was just 7 years old when she played the role of a mute girl 'Munni' from Pakistan, who finds herself in India after getting separated from her parents. It is then that she meets Salman Khan, who takes up the responsibility to return her safely back to Pakistan and reunite her with her family.
The film, which released in 2015, was one of the highest grossers of the year, and has achieved a cult status over the years.