Bollywood superstar Salman Khan whose film Tiger 3 hits the big screens on Sunday (November 12) took to social media and requested his fans to protect spoilers of the film. Taking to X, formerly Twitter, Salman wrote, “We have made #Tiger3 with a lot of passion & we are counting on you to protect our spoilers when you see the film. Spoilers can ruin the movie-watching experience. We trust you to do what is right. We hope #Tiger3 is the perfect Diwali gift from us to you!! Releasing in cinemas tomorrow in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu.”
Earlier, Yash Raj Films, which is backing Tiger 3, took to social media and shared an email address where viewers can notify and report piracy.
Speaking of spoilers, there have been reports of Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan character having a cameo in the film. However, the latest buzz suggests that Hrithik Roshan's character from War will also have a special appearance.
A source informed, "Aditya Chopra has set the wheels in motion for a full convergence of super spies within the YRF Spy Universe. No one knows this but along with Pathaan, Kabir too will make his appearance in Tiger 3! A handful of people know how Adi is visualising Kabir in Tiger 3 and this information is being kept under wraps to be only revealed when Tiger 3 releases in theatres.”
Amid the ongoing festivities, Salman posted an adorable portrait with Katrina Kaif to wish his fans on Diwali. In the picture, Salman and Katrina can be seen dressed in their traditional attire. The actor wore a red kurta pajama, while Katrina opted for a sheer saree holding a diya.
Tiger 3 is one of the most anticipated films of the year. As seen in the trailers and promos on social media, the film features the iconic dialogue "Jab tak Tiger mara nahi, tab tak Tiger haara nahi." Billed as an action thriller, Tiger 3, directed by Maneesh Sharma also features Emraan Hashmi as a ruthless antagonist.