Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra is all set to tie the knot with Aam Aadmi Party MP Raghav Chadha by the end of this year. The two got engaged at a grand ceremony, surrounded by their closest friends and family members, in Delhi on May 13, and now, they are busy hunting a wedding location.
Earlier, reports suggested that Parineeti and Raghav will get married in October in a traditional ceremony, followed by a couple of receptions in Mumbai and Chandigarh for their B-Town and politico friends.
But looks like there is some change in plans and the couple will neither host their reception in Mumbai nor in Chandigarh.
Parineeti-Raghav's wedding reception venue
According to reports, Parineeti and Raghav are planning to move their wedding reception to Gurugram. The report also claimed that the couple has already locked in on a lavish hotel in the city.
Not just that, but Parineeti's parents Pawan Chopra and Reena Chopra, and Raghav's parents Sunil Chadha and Alka Chadha have reportedly also visited the hotel for a food tasting session.
The report also mentioned that there was a vast spread laid out in front of the parents during the food tasting session, and their manager was coordinating everything on the couple's behalf.
Parineeti-Raghav's love story
Parineeti and Raghav reportedly met during an event in London, which was organised in honour of Indians who have studied or worked in London.
Both Parineeti and Raghav studied economics in the UK, albeit in different universities. And it was during the event that sparks flew between the two.
They kept their relationship under wraps for several months, until February, when they were spotted enjoying a dinner date in Mumbai, and the cat was finally out of the bag.
In May, Parineeti and Raghav exchanged rings in Delhi in the presence of their friends and family members. If reports are to be believed, they have decided to take the plunge in October this year at a grand palace in Rajasthan.