Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed their daughter, Raha Kapoor, on November 6, 2022. Recently, a fan edited a photo of late actor Rishi Kapoor and Raha, which grabbed the attention of Neetu Kapoor and Soni Razdan.
Reacting to the photo, Soni took to her Instagram story and wrote, "This is such a great edit it fills our hearts with happiness. Thank you," accompanied by folded hands and a purple heart emoji. Further, Neetu added, "This is too adorable," accompanied by a smiling face with a heart emoji.
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Ranbir and Alia made their first public appearance with their daughter Raha as they arrived for the Kapoor family's Christmas brunch. While some social media users said that Raha looks exactly like her grandfather Rishi Kapoor, others said that she resembles Raj Kapoor.
Neetu, on Koffee With Karan 8, revealed that she engages in ‘mini battles’ with Soni over granddaughter Raha, “At my home, the baby is growing so it's like a fun thing I keep asking the help. I say, ‘Tell her to say 'Papa,' and Soni says, 'Tell her to say 'Mamma’.”
Neetu added, “So I went the other day to the house and Alia says, 'Oh by the way, she said 'mamma’.' So I said, 'She didn't say 'mamma', she said 'mum-mum’.' But she's saying 'da-da' and not 'na-na,' so I'm happy with that."