As Ranbir Kapoor’s film Animal hit the big screens on Friday, opening to rave reviews, his actor-wife Alia Bhatt took to Instagram and shared an appreciation post for the actor with an unseen picture of him reading a book called “I (heart) Dad” to their daughter Raha. Alia also revealed in the caption that Ranbir helped their baby girl take her first steps today.
She wrote, “For all that you are on and off camera. For the patience, silence and love you give your craft..& for the person you are to your family. For taking such huge strides as an artist..& for literally making our daughter take her first steps today..For completely blowing us away your performance… & for making it all of the above look so easy Congratulations my not so little animal."
A day before the film’s release, its makers held a special screening. Alia was seen supporting Ranbir by wearing a t-shirt with his face on it. Also present were Ranbir's mother Neetu Kapoor, mother-in-law Soni Razdan, father-in-law Mahesh Bhatt, and Alia's sister Shaheen Bhatt.
Last month, when the trailer of Animal was unveiled, Alia shared it with a caption that read, "Can't really type a full caption - too busy watching this trailer for the 7000th time. My mind is officially blown. I need to watch this movie. Like now. ANIMAL: setting cinemas on fire from the 1st of December. Brace yourselves."
Ranbir tied the knot with Alia Bhatt on April 14, 2022, and announced their pregnancy in June 2022. On November 6, last year, the couple welcomed their daughter.
Animal also features Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Rashmika Mandanna, Triptii Dimri, Shakti Kapoor, Suresh Oberoi, and Prem Chopra. Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, Animal was released on December 1.