A few days ago, Sanjay Leela Bhansali announced his next film 'Love and War', featuring Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal in the lead. The official announcement was made by Bhansali Productions with the caption, “Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s next EPIC saga ‘LOVE & WAR’ starring #RanbirKapoor @aliaabhatt & @vickykaushal09. See you in Cinemas on CHRISTMAS 2025!”
The statement read, "We bring you Sanjay Leela Bhansali's epic saga 'Love & War'. See you at the movies! Christmas 2025."
Here's everything you need to know about Love and War:
Ranbir Kapoor's conditions
Ranbir Kapoor has reportedly come on board with a set of “terms and conditions” in his contract. According to Bollywood Hungama, Kapoor has asked SLB to stick to the timelines of the shoot. The makers have assured to take the film on floors in November and wrap it by July 2025 owing to his other commitments from August 2025.
Another condition was to have fixed working hours. "During Sawaariya, RK was subject to erratic work timing, and he doesn’t want the episode to repeat in 2024. The last condition is to ensure proper discipline on the set in all departments,” the source added.
It has been reported that Alia has made the collaboration between Ranbir and Bhansali happen. “She brought them together and asked the two mature individuals to put all the terms and conditions on the face in the meeting,” the source concluded.
Tribute to Sangham
Love And War is said to be a homage to Raj Kapoor's 1964 movie Sangam. According to Pinkvilla, "It's an original love story set against the backdrop of War. It's an homage by SLB to the 1964 classic, Sangam directed by Raj Kapoor".
Ranbir Kapoor's character
According to Pinkvilla, Ranbir Kapoor to play a character with grey shades in Love And War. “It’s a twisted grey character and warrants the presence of someone who is not just a great actor but also a superstar. It has elements of heroism but deep within lies the psychic undertones. It’s a solid subject with strong scope for performance and that’s what has excited both Ranbir and SLB to reunite after 17 long years,” the source added.
Vicky Kaushal's first SLB film
Love And War marks Vicky Kaushal first on-screen collaboration with Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Sharing the official announcement on his Instagram, the URI actor wrote, "An eternal cinema dream has come true."
Release date
Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Love And War starring Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal is slated to release on Christmas 2025.