Having represented Chennai in domestic cricket, the love and adulation that former Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni aka MS Dhoni enjoys in the city and Tamil Nadu, in general, is equivalent to a homegrown star. On Monday evening, the cricketer and his wife-turned-new producer Sakshi Singh Dhoni were greeted by the media and the audience at the trailer and audio launch of their maiden production 'Let’s Get Married' or LGM.
Check out the video below.
Sharing her vision for LGM, Sakshi revealed: “We look forward to being here and doing more such meaningful stories. We are excited to start this fascinating journey today. I assure you that this fun-filled film will be one that the entire family can enjoy."
Earlier, when the couple arrived in Chennai on Sunday, excited Chennai Super Kings fans had gathered at the airport to greet their 'Thala' by showering him with flower petals.
Check out the video below.
LGM has been helmed by Dhoni Entertainments and stars Harish Kalyan and Ivana in lead roles. Directed by Ramesh Thamilmani, the film promises to be an absolute family entertainer. Additionally, the film also stars Nadiya, Yogi Babu and RJ Vijay.
Dhoni Entertainments has been launched by Sakshi and has produced the documentary titled 'Roar of the Lion' in the past that chronicled the success story of CSK, which Dhoni captained for.