Season 3 of the crime thriller series Last One Standing stars Daigo Yamamoto and Nobuyuki Hayakawa in the lead roles. The show is currently streaming on an OTT platform
Where to watch Last One Standing Season 3?
The series has released on Netflix. The streaming giant shared the trailer on X and noted, "The unscripted comedy battle of Japanese comedians continues to the final chapter! Last One Standing Season 3 will air on September 3."
Last One Standing Season 3 revolves around a group of comedians who try to showcase their talent in a thrilling atmosphere. After a group of thugs attacks a high school, the survivors are forced to participate in a comedy show. They have to cheer up the audience with their jokes, and whoever fails to entertain them gets eliminated from the show.
About Last One Standing Season 3?
The 10-episode Japanese crime series is directed by Hayato Kawai and created by Nobuyuki Sakuma. It features Daigo Yamamoto, Nobuyuki Hayakawa, Gekidan Hitori, Hiroaki Ogi, Ken Yahagi, Chance Oshiro, Atsuhiro Tsuda, Eiko Kano, and Kayo Noro, among others. It is produced by Yoko Usui and Seiya Horio under Nobuyuki Sakuma Agency, United Production, Netflix, and Yoshimoto Kogyo.