Kathal actress Sanya Malhotra recently opened up about traumatic experiences with harassment in two separate incidents. The actress recounted a distressing encounter while traveling on the Delhi metro and another incident where she was inappropriately touched by a fan.
Speaking to Hauterrfly, Sanya Malhotra revealed the harrowing incident that occurred on the Delhi metro during her college days.
As she was returning home one evening, a group of boys boarded the same metro compartment as her. The situation quickly escalated as they began to tease and touch her, leaving her feeling helpless and vulnerable.
Sanya talks about an incident in Delhi Metro
Recalling the distressing experience, Malhotra said, "I was alone, so I stayed quiet. It was such a situation when I couldn't do anything. They started teasing and touching. I felt helpless, but I knew if I said anything, anything could happen. People generally say, 'Kuch kara kyun nahi tumne?' But when that situation comes, haath, paer phool jaate hain. You only want to survive that situation.
To her dismay, nobody on the metro came forward to help her in her time of need. As she reached Rajiv Chowk, the group of men continued to follow her. Fearing for her safety, she took refuge in a washroom and immediately contacted her father, pleading for him to come and pick her up.
Another incident in Mumbai
In another unsettling incident, the actress recounted an incident in Mumbai where she was inappropriately touched by a fan. This happened after she gained recognition in the film industry. Sanya shared that there might be footage of the incident somewhere on the internet, as she had been spotted in public at the time.
Detailing the encounter, Malhotra expressed her frustration with the photographers present who witnessed her discomfort but failed to intervene. "I was like, 'What the hell?' But again, the photographers didn't help me. They were seeing that I am not comfortable. I was so angry; I called him back and told him, 'You did wrong'," she stated.
Sanya Malhotra's' Professional Front
Sanya Malhotra, who recently starred in the film Kathal alongside Vijay Raaz and Rajpal Yadav, portrayed a police investigation into the disappearance of two prized jackfruits from a local politician's garden.
The film was released on Netflix on May 19, captivating audiences with its storyline set in a small town in India.