Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor penned an adorable birthday wish for her actor-husband Saif Ali Khan. She shared a loved-up picture from one of their vacations and called him her 'ultimate lover'. Praising Saif, Kareena also revealed that Saif himself chose the picture she posted on Instagram.
The couple is seen chilling by the pool in the photo. While Saif is seen wearing blue shorts, Bebo looked stunning in a pink monokini.
"He chose the picture I could post on Instagram…even though he’s in front of me smiling away…and why not? it’s his birthday…May you always be this relaxed my jaaaan," the actress captioned the post.
Kareena added, "Happy Birthday to my Ultimate Lover…❤️There truly is no one like you …Kind, Generous, Crazy …ok I can go on writing all day …but gotta go eat Cake."
Earlier today, Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan were spotted outside Saif's residence, ahead of the Devara actor's birthday celebration.
Sara was seen carrying a birthday cake and several balloons. One of the balloon had 'Best Dad' written on it. Ibrahim and Sara were all smiles as they posed for paparazzi.
Saif's sister, actress Soha Ali Khan, also took to her official Instagram account to give a glimpse of the birthday celebration.
In the picture, which also featured her daughter Inaaya and Jeh, Saif was seen cutting a cake. "Here’s to having your cake and eating it too - and also to sharing it with those who are so evidently eager to partake!! Happy birthday bhai," she captioned the post.
Meanwhile, on his birthday today, the makers of Devara shared his first look from the film. The actor is all set to play the role of Bhaira in the film, which also stars JR NTR and Janhvi Kapoor in the lead roles.