Actress Ameesha Patel is currently enjoying the success of her latest film Gadar 2, which is inching close to Rs 500 crore mark. Besides Ameesha and Sunny Deol, the film also stars director Anil Sharma's son Utkarsh in the lead role. However, the actress believes that Tara and Sakeena, Sunny and her characters, stole all the attention.
In one of her latest interviews, Ameesha stated that she feels 'very bad' for Anil Sharma as he tried hard to promote his son.
Praising Utkarsh, the 47-year-old actress said, "I feel bad for Anilji since he tried to push his son Utkarsh a lot in Gadar 2, but eventually, Tara and Sakina stole the limelight. Utkarsh is a very sweet boy, and I got him into the industry, and his father is very sweet to keep promoting him."
She further told News18, "Let’s hope some bigwigs from the industry start signing Utkarsh, as he’s a sweet boy and no boy would like to only be signed by his dad."
During the same interview, Ameesha also said that she would agree to be a part of Gadar 3 only if her character Sakeena has a significant role alongside Tara Singh, similar to their roles in Gadar.
Gadar 2 is a sequel to the hit film Gadar which was released in theatres in 2001. In the film, Sunny Deol played the role of Tara Singh, a truck driver, while Ameesha Patel played Sakeena. It was set during the partition of India in 1947.
In the sequel, Tara Singh crosses the border in a daring attempt to rescue his son, played by Utkarsh, who has been captured in Pakistan. The film also stars Manish Wadhwa, Simrat Kaur and Gaurav Chopra among others in pivotal roles.