Gurucharan Singh, who rose to fame with his stint in Sab TV's cult favourite 'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma' made headlines after his alleged disappearance in the month of April. Gurucharan, who came back after 25 days of his disappearance, stated, that he was on a 'spirtual trip' alone.
Well, after he returned to Mumbai, he spoke to a few media portals about his disappearance and how he has been having a hard time for the past few years. In a recent conversation with Siddharth Kanan, the TMKOC actor revealed that he has been surviving on bread and milk and is currently under a debt of 1.2 crores. Gurucharan revealed that he has been looking for work and that it has been more than a month since he is back but is not getting any work. He said, ''I have been in Mumbai for a month looking for work. I think people love me and they want to see me. I also want to earn money to manage my expenses, take care of my mother and pay off my debts. I want to get some good work and start my second innings. I need money because I have EMI and credit card payments. I still have to ask for money and there are some good people who lend me money but my debut is accumulating. I want to work because I also want to take care of my old parents.''
Further speaking about how he has been on liquid diet for some time and how any work he starts has been failing, the actor said, ''I have left food for the past 34 days. I have been on a liquid diet like I have milk, chai and coconut water. I have seen only failure for the last four years. I have tried to do different things, businesses and all but everything is failing. Now, I am tired and now I should get some earnings.''
For the uninformed, Gurucharan was the OG Sodhi in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma and had been replaced by Balvinder Singh Suri in the show.