Hina Khan, who gained immense popularity after playing the role of Akshara in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, recently reacted to Mumbai's 'poor' air quality. According to the official data by the Central Pollution Control Board, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in Mumbai was recorded as poor today at various stations with an AQI above 200 around 6 a.m.
Reacting to this, Hina took to her X, formerly known as Twitter, and re-tweeted a tweet regarding the air quality and said, "It’s become so bad here in mumbai.. Can’t even breathe.. Bus inhalers ka Sahaara hai."
Check it out:
On Saturday, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) also issued a warning that on October 21, 2023, all construction activities would halt, including private and government projects, if the dust and pollution control measures were not executed. Further, the BMC also added that standard operating procedures will be issued by October 23 to ensure better air quality.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Hina Khan's film Country of Blind has now been invited by the Oscar Library to be a part of the permanent collection at the Library. Directed by Rahhat Shah Kazm, it also stars Shoib Nikash Shah.
Expressing her excitement, she took to her Instagram handle and wrote, "Incredibly excited to announce our film 'Country of Blind' advances from USA screens to the prestigious Permanent Core Collection of the Oscars Library! This is not just a film, it's a message of love and peace resonating beyond vision. Another milestone for this genuine and heartfelt story ! #CountryOfBlind #OscarsLibrary."