Giorgia Adriani and Bollywood actor Arbaaz Khan were in a relationship for the past few years following Arbaaz's 2017 divorce from Malaika Arora. Despite their separation, Malaika and Arbaaz remain co-parents to their son, Arhaan. In a recent interview with Pinkvilla, Giorgia publicly acknowledged her breakup with Arbaaz, sharing details about it for the first time.
Adriani disclosed the end of her relationship with Arbaaz Khan, expressing, "We were friends, more like best friends. I will continue to harbor feelings for him, always."
She further adds, "The relationship that he had with Malaika (Arora) did not really come in the way of my relationship with him. What I am now to be called somebody's girlfriend, I don't, I definitely find it very demeaning. We both knew that it wouldn't have lasted forever. It was very different."
Earlier in an exclusive with Bollywood Hungama, Adriani had revealed, "But coming to wedding or marriage, to be honest, it is something that we’re not really looking at.” She had also revealed that the pandemic had changed their equation. She says, “The lockdown has made us think. In fact, it has made people either come closer or to drift apart."
She also discussed Malaika, Arbaaz's ex-wife, expressing her genuine fondness for her and admiration for her journey. Arbaaz and Giorgia, despite their notable age difference of over twenty years, have consistently remained in the public eye, yet their romance has remained unaffected by such scrutiny. If you take a look at Giorgia's Instagram, traces of all pictures featuring the couple have been removed.
Prior to that Arbaaz and Malaika were married to each other for over 19 years, since 1998, till they officially parted ways in 2017. The duo have a soon named Arhaan. Malaika, on the other hand is currently dating actor Arjun Kapoor.