Bollywood diva Malaika Arora, who has kept the internet drooling for the past couple of years with her age-defying looks and fitness videos, has now been accused of hiding her real age. A basic Google search shows Arora’s birth year as 1973, which makes her 49 as of now, but a subreddit titled Bolly Blinds n Gossip begs to differ.
The post sheds light on Malaika claiming she is ‘older than’ ex-husband Arbaaz Khan who is 55 years old as of 2023. The two are seen in a video where they appeared on a chat show hosted by Sajid Khan.
Sajid introduces the two on his show by saying, “Malaika, who is two years older than Arbaaz. How do you feel on marrying a man younger than you?”, to which Malaika laughs and responds, “I think it’s ok. It feels good.”
Going by the statement, Malaika could be 57. However, a section of netizens felt it was all in good jest.
Malaika and Arbaaz tied the knot in 1998 and got divorced in 2017. They share a son named Arhaan.
Malaika recently made her OTT debut with the show Moving In With Malaika. One the show, revealed that they parted ways because she wanted ‘different things in life’. "He let me be the person I am. I feel a lot of me that I am today is also because of him. He let me be the person I am. I was very young, I also changed, I also wanted different things in life. Somewhere I felt that was missing in my space and I needed to move on. I felt that I could do that if I could actually let go of certain ties."
Malaika began dating actor Arjun Kapoor in 2017. She is quite active on social media and regularly updates fans on her activities by posting pictures and videos.