A few days ago, Deepika Singh, who is best known as Sandhya Rathi in the TV serial Diya Aur Baati Hum, was trolled brutally by netizens after she recreated the steps from the viral song Yimmy Yimmy, which features Jacqueliene Fernandez in the music video.
Reacting to the trolls, Deepika told Hindustan Times that she agrees with them, as she could have danced better in the reel. “I know my calibre, and yes, I could have done better [in that reel]. But mere paas utna hi time tha bas, and I did the best that I could in the time I could take out from my busy schedule. If they didn’t like it, their wish to still watch it or not," she added.
Check out Deepika Singh's video:
Further, Singh added that she does not care about the trolls and their state of mind, as she is aware of her reality.
"I know that I can’t make everyone happy, and I have made peace with that. There will always be people to judge you, and that’s fine. There are many more people who love and respect you,” she concluded.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Deepika is currently seen as Mangal in the television serial Mangal Lakshmi, alongside Naman Shaw in the lead.