In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that Renukaswamy was assaulted and tortured brutally by Kannada actor Darshan, actress Pavithra Gowda and others, before his death. The Karnataka Police recently submitted a 3,991-page chargesheet in Renukaswamy's kidnap and murder case and it details several gruesome and shocking details about his death.
According to several media reports, the chargesheet read, "After being assaulted by Darshan and his gang, Renukaswamy's chest bones were broken. There are a total of 39 injury marks all over his body. There is also a deep cut on the victim's head."
Reports also stated that Darshan and his aides gave electric shocks to Renukaswamy's private parts to jolt him awake when he passed out from pain after being assaulted.
"After committing the murder, Darshan and the other accused used their influence and money to dispose of the body and attempted to destroy evidence. They also tried to frame other individuals to escape charges," the chargesheet further mentioned.
Renukaswamy's viral photo
A photo has also surfaced in which Renukaswamy can be seen sitting on the floor in tears, allegedly showing him being tortured before he breathed his last. However, The Free Press Journal couldn't verify the authenticity of the viral picture.
According to IANS, the photo was found on the phone of Darshan's aide Pavan and were collected as evidence by the police department. However, cops have not issued any official statement on it yet.
Earlier, the autopsy report of Renukaswamy had also revealed several horrifying details about his murder. His death was caused due to shock and haemorrhage as a result of multiple blunt injuries he sustained, reported PTI.
Renukaswamy was found near a flyover in Bengaluru on June 9. He was reportedly kidnapped and murdered as per the instructions given by Darshan.
A report in India Today had mentioned that the photos taken by crime branch team shows black and blue marks on Renukaswamy's back, arms and chest. The post-mortem report of the 33-year-old also indicated that he suffered a ruptured testicle after he was kicked. One of his ears was also missing, and his mouth was mutilated and broken. Reportedly, some parts of Renuka Swamy's body were 'eaten by dogs'.
Darshan was arrested in Mysuru on June 12 in connection with the murder of Renukaswamy, who had allegedly sent lewd messages to actress Pavithra Gowda, Darshan's close friend, on social media.