On Tuesday, the makers of the blockbuster Punjabi franchise, Carry On Jatta, launched the official trailer of its third instalment in Mumbai. Present for the launch were superstar Aamir Khan and comedian and actor Kapil Sharma.
Talking about the movie, Aamir says, “This is a film with a very big heart. When Gippy told me that he wanted me to launch his film’s trailer, I told him, tell me the date and time and I’ll be there.”
Kapil Sharma, Gippy Grewal, Aamir Khan | Photo by Varinder Chawla
When the team was asked what Khan's presence meant to them, renowned Punjabi actor and comedian Gurpreet Ghuggi, says, “Aamir sir is not just an inspiration, he is our country’s asset. He is blessed with the ability to tell a film based on a particular subject and we have witnessed that with the success of a film like Dangal.”
Kapil, who has been largely instrumental towards the paradigm shift in attitude towards the representation of the Punjabi community, on-screen, further says, “I am just happy to see that we have gathered in Mumbai for the trailer launch of a Punjabi film. I couldn’t be prouder.”
Of course, Aamir also took a chance to jokingly remind Kapil that the loved comedian has never invited him to his famous show 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. While Kapil took the 'Dangal' actor's comment in his stride, Aamir, who admitted to be having a sabbatical post the failure of his last film 'Laal Singh Chaddha' said, "I've been wanting to take time off work and spend some time with my family. So, I just started watching all the episodes of Kapil's show and I have become a huge fan of him. He is blessed with the gift and the ability to make people laugh."
The cast also made it a point to have the superstar dance alongside them to the film's title track.
Check out the video here:
Sonam Bajwa | Photo by Varinder Chawla
'Carry On Jatta 3' promises to be a laugh riot, high on entertainment with a fabulous soundtrack composed by Jaani. While lead actor and singer Gippy Grewal lends his vocals to the music album, he is also joined by fellow artistes Ammy Virk and B Praak, who have sung a track each.
The movie also stars Sonam Bajwa, Binnu Dhillon, Kavita Kaushik, Shinda Grewal, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Karamjit Anmol, Harby Sangha and Jaswinder Bhalla. Directed by Smeep Kang, ‘Carry On Jatta 3’ releases in cinemas on June 29.