On Day 34 of Shanivaar Ka Vaar with Bigg Boss 17, the cast of Farrey Salman Khan's niece, Alizeh Agnihotri, Sahil Mehta, Prasanna Bisht, and Zeyn Shaw arrived at the reality show to promote their upcoming film, which is slated to release on November 24, 2023. Bigg Boss 16 winner MC Stan was also seen on the show to promote the title track of the film, which marks his Bollywood playback singing debut.
Salman Khan calls Isha Malviya and Khanzaadi, aka Firoza Khan, to the Tiger's Den to compete against each other. The two battle it out, and the actress wins the task. As a prize, Isha gets a special scarf from Salman.
During the episode, Salman Khan also played cricket with the contestants ahead of the final of the ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2023 at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, which will happen between India and Australia. The host also asked the housemates to play and revealed that the number of runs they made would result in them getting more kitchen hours.
Later, Anurag Dobhal was seen getting offended yet again by Salman Khan for bringing up his fans in their conversation. Munawar Faruqui was seen trying to explain it to him. Abhishek Kumar talks to Munawar and shares that Vicky Jain is trying to corner him in the show.
As for evictions, Ankita Lokhande, Khanzaadi, Abhishek Kumar, Anurag Dobhal, and Sunny Aryaa were nominated for this week; however, it was announced that no eliminations would take place and everyone is safe in the house.