Actress Sanaya Irani, who marked her acting debut with Aamir Khan and Kajol's film Fanaa, recently recalled an incident when a "big director" asked her if she would wear bikini for a role. She also recalled how a filmmaker from the south industry had told her that he wanted a "fuller" person.
During her conversation with Hauterrfly, Sanaya shared that a south filmmaker had once called her for a meeting during her initial days in the industry. "At that point, I didn’t want to do films. But this person was hellbent on meeting me," she shared.
"So I just went, but after the meeting, he was like 'We need a little fuller person'. And I was like 'Then I am not the fuller person'," she recalled. She added that she feels a lot of times filmmakers met aspiring actresses only to guess if they were the kind who would sleep with someone for work or not.
When director asked Sanaya to wear bikini
Sanaya shared another incident when she had a bizarre encounter with a "big director" in Bollywood. She stated that she was asked to call the filmmaker, but when she did, she found him rude.
Without taking names, she shared, "He said he was making this big film with big heroes in it and that I'll have to wear a bikini. And I was like 'And my character is?', but he kept on asking, 'Are you okay wearing a bikini?' He was getting rude to me so I just hung up on him."
Sanaya on ageism in showbiz
During the interview, Sanaya also opened up on ageism in showbiz, and said that while it was okay for 60-year-old actors to play younger roles in films, the same was not applicable to actresses.
After her acting debut in 2006 with Fanaa, Sanaya moved to television and starred in some of the cult shows like Left Right Left, Miley Jab Hum Tum, Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?, and others.