Bollywood actress Sanya Malhotra, who kickstarted her film journey with the iconic movie 'Dangal' playing the role of Babita Phogat, is currently basking in the success of her latest Netflix release 'Kathal', which has been garnering rave reviews. While Sanya is at the peak of her career, she recently opened up on having imposter syndrome.
Sanya told ETimes in an interview that for the longest time in her career she had imposter syndrome.
The 'impostor syndrome' is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts his/her skills, talents or accomplishments.
In the interview, Sanya said that she was hard on herself as an actor and didn't like whatever she did. She would constantly critique herself and not give the leeway to make mistakes.
Earlier, 'Wonder Woman' actress Gal Gadot admitted that she suffers from imposter syndrome.
She shared that every time she acts, she doubts herself and worries no one will like what she's doing.
"It's funny, I always feel like I have this imposter syndrome, because I feel so lucky and I'm so happy that I get to do what I really, really, really love. I always feel like, 'I hope they're gonna like it'. There's never a moment when I'm like, 'They're gonna love this'," she said in a cover interview with L'Officiel magazine.
The year 2023 looks bright for Sanya as she will be seen in two mega releases –Shah Rukh Khan’s 'Jawan' and Vicky Kaushal-starrer 'Sam Bahadur'.