Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): A 64-year-old man's body was recovered from a storage box at his residence in Gwalior on Friday. His 16-year-old granddaughter was caught hiding at their neighbour's terrace. Police suspect the girl's love affair as a reason behind the murder.
The man named Ramswaroop Rathore, who is a homeguard was tragically discovered deceased wrapped in a bedsheet inside a box at his residence in Krishna Colony, located in the jurisdiction of Madhavganj police station in Gwalior.
According to Ramswaroop's son, Ganesh Rathore, they received a call from the granddaughter alerting them that some individuals had entered the house and were beating her grandfather. Upon reaching the scene, Ganesh found the granddaughter missing, and his father's body was stuffed in a big box used for storing woolen clothes.
The circumstances of Ramswaroop's murder remain unknown, although the police have been promptly informed about the incident. Ganesh mentioned that the granddaughter had been communicating with a young man previously, but stopped later. She had been peacefully residing with her grandfather until then.
The police stated that they received information about the 64-year-old man's presence at home. Upon investigation, they found the deceased's body inside a box at his residence. The granddaughter had informed her relatives about the incident, but when the police arrived, she was not found at home. Currently, she is being questioned regarding the entire sequence of events leading up to the incident.