Sagar (Madhya Pradesh): Bageshwar Dham chief Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri came out in support of the Adah Sharma-starrer controversial movie, The Kerala Story and said that whatever has been portrayed in the movie is the "current reality of the country while all the Hindus are sleeping".
Shastri made the comments during Hanuman Katha in Sagar district on Saturday.
He said, “This is the present situation of the country and we all Hindus are sleeping. People tell me that I give provocative statements, controversial talks, but my statements are not provocative. I talk to wake up Hindus.”
“The Kerala Story is a story based on a true incident. What has happened is shown in this movie. This is the misfortune of all of us Hindus,” he added.
'We should wake up, especially our sisters'
Shastri further said that such incidents (as shown in the movie) will continue to happen till Hindus are taught what is Sanatan and what is Hindu. It should be understood from this film that we should wake up and especially our sisters.
“In the Gita, Lord Shri Krishna teaches Arjuna that it is better to die in one's religion than to even think of another religion. So a person of another religion should be trusted only as much as a coin thrown into the sea.”