Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh State Bar Council (MPSBC) has caught two fake lawyers who were practising law with fake degrees in Jabalpur, State Bar Council vice president, RK Singh Saini said on Sunday. The incident has prompted the Bar Council of India to launch a campaign to catch other such fake lawyers working in different courts.
Some lawyers complained to a lower court of the district that a lawyer named Abhishek Rai is advocating on the basis of a fake degree. When the State Bar Council investigated the matter, it came to light that Abhishek Rai has obtained an LLB degree from Assam University. However, when queried about it, Assam University, in a letter denied that any person named Abhishek Rai has obtained a degree from their university.
Similarly, a lawyer named Amit Singh from Indore was accused of having a fake class 12th marksheet. When MPSBC raised the issue with the Central Board of Secondary Education, it was found that Amit Singh's class 12th marksheet is actually fake.
Bar Council Seeks Answer From Fake Lawyers Within 15 Days
The State Bar Council has issued notice to both these lawyers and sought their answers within 15 days. According to information, an FIR will be lodged against the accused.
The Bar Council of India has sent letters to all the State Bar Councils of the country regarding the matter. In pursuance of the letters, the Administrative Committee of the Madhya Pradesh State Bar Council met on Sunday and sent letters to all the district bar presidents and secretaries of the state.
September 30 Is The Deadline For Verifcation
In the letter, instructions have been given to get all the lawyers from before and after 2011 verified. The State Bar Council has fixed a deadline of September 30 for all advocates to get verification done. State Bar Council vice president, RK Singh Saini said, “Earlier as well, a process of verification was adopted in which 27,000 lawyers from all over the state were removed. In view of the continuous complaints of fake lawyers, once again a campaign will be launched to show them the way out of the court premises.”