Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): Police have detained activists of National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) ahead of CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan's roadshow in Jabalpur on Friday. The members of NSUI decided to show black flags at the CM's roadshow to mark their protest against rising unemployment and demands related to other student issues. The Jabalpur district administration detained them before they could start the protest.
Chouhan is holding a road show in two crucial assembly constituencies of the Jabalpur district which the BJP had lost to opposition Congress in the 2018 elections.
In Katangi, Chouhan will address the Ladli Behna Sammelan and then inaugurate development works worth Rs 548.88 crore.
BJP state president VD Sharma and in-charge minister Gopal Bhargava is also accompanying the CM.
BJP focusing on lost seats
Notably, the BJP had lost both constituencies to Congress in the 2018 elections where Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan is going to hold roadshows today. In the 2018 assembly elections, Congress had won three out of four seats in Jabalpur city. The Congress had won the North Central, West and East assemblies, while BJP got only the Cantt seat. In such a situation, the CM has now started focusing on the lost seats.\