Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The principal bench of the Madhya Pradesh High Court in Jabalpur ordered the transporters to withdraw their ongoing strike in the state on Tuesday. Chief Justice Ravi Malimath issued the order while hearing a PIL filed by Nagrik Upbhokta Manch.
Transporters all across the country, under the banner of the All India Motor Transport Congress, are protesting against the new and stringent provisions of the 'Hit and Run' law. As per the new provisions, the convicted driver can face punishment of up to 10 years or a fine of Rs 7 lakh.
The strike's spiral effect has begun to impact daily supply chains like petrol, vegetables, and milk, hitting the common man.
A transporters' body claimed on Tuesday that the strike by truck drivers has affected the movement of nearly five lakh vehicles in Madhya Pradesh.
The situation has become so dire in some districts that petrol pumps are jam-packed, with people queueing up to several meters. As per the workers at a petrol pump in Gwalior, they are left with only one-day stock. A crisis on diesel, petrol, and CNG gas is also expected.