Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): An on-duty doctor came drunk to the hospital and beat the staff and security guards in Gwalior on Monday. One of the hospital employees recorded the video, which is now going viral on social media.
The doctor, identified as BK Batham, is posted at the district Murar hospital of the city. The video is said to be of Monday afternoon and it is said that the doctor reached the hospital for duty in a completely intoxicated state. When the hospital guard tried to stop him, he started fighting with him.
It is clearly visible in the video that the drunk doctor is assaulting the staff and employees. The staff is seen asking why they are being thrashed. As of now, no action has been taken against the doctor in this matter.
Meanwhile, employees have alleged that this is not the first time that such an incident has happened. When CMHO was called for information about this matter, he did not answer the phone.