Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In a shocking incident, a passenger found a cockroach in the chapati he was served on board the Bhopal-Delhi Vande Bharat Express. The passenger took a picture of the cockroach-laced chapati and tweeted it tagging Railway minister Ashwini Vaishnav. Taking cognisance of the matter, IRCTC apologised to the passenger and imposed a hefty penalty on the service provider.
A passenger named Subodh was travelling in Vande Bharat Express (train number 20171) going to Hazrat Nizamuddin from Rani Kamlapati station on July 24. He was going to Gwalior when he ordered food on his seat in coach C-8. In the food that he was served, he spotted a cockroach in the paratha. The passenger took to his twitter handle to complain about it.
Passengers Complained Of Throat Problems After Eating Food
It is noteworthy that after Subodh’s complaint, several other passengers also complained of throat problems. They also registered their complaint by tweeting videos.
Alarmed by the complaints, IRCTC replied to Subodh’s tweet and apologised to him.
“Sir, our sincere apology for the unpleasant experience. Matter has been viewed seriously . Concerned service provider has been strictly warned to take due precautions during food preparation . Also, a hefty penalty has been imposed on the service provider and monitoring has also been further strengthened at the source kitchen,” IRCTC wrote on twitter.
Penalty Against Service Provider
Railways has also issued a statement in this matter. In Bhopal, PRO Subedar Singh said that a cockroach was found in the paratha served in the passenger train. The IRCTC official in the train immediately contacted the passenger and took action. Alternative food was arranged for the passenger. The passenger expressed satisfaction with the prompt response.
“IRCTC has given a strict warning of zero tolerance on such incidents. Suitable penalty against the licensee was also imposed. We have asked the service provider to ensure the effectiveness of pest control and not repeat such mistakes in the future,” he added.