Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In the wake of his father,s death on Tuesday, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav is at his home in Ujjain but he is in regular touch with the entire state. After performing last rites of his father, he spoke to Collectors of three districts and inquired about incidents. He gave necessary instructions to them.
Taking cognizance of incidents happened in Gwalior, Dhar, Jhabua districts, he spoke to the respective collectors and directed them to take necessary relief measures.
He directed Jhabua collector to provide Rs 4 lakh to families of those two girls who got drowned.
He called Gwalior collector and inquired about trauma centre incident. Though there was no loss to human lives but he said that no such incident shall happen in future.
During his interaction with Dhar Collector, he inquired about the situation wherein rain water entered inside tribal boys Ashram premises in village Badwania. Collector informed that boys were saved timely.
CM praised the rescue work done by social workers and common people and told that they would be felicitated.
Notably, it was on Tuesday that CM,s father passed away and after performing last rites of his father on Wednesday, CM inquired about various incidents happened in the state on Wednesday. He is in regular touch of officers.