Hexagram 51: The Indicator Of The Manifestation Of Sudden Changes In Intentions

Hexagram 51: The Indicator Of The Manifestation Of Sudden Changes In Intentions

Holding mysterious powers, this hexagram indicates the manifestation of sudden changes in movements, intentions and a certain initiation

Kamakshi Francis FernandesUpdated: Saturday, November 11, 2023, 12:11 AM IST

Sudden changes are terrifying and disturb the fearful and those entrenched in complacency, says The Book of Changes. Generally, life’s changes are gradual, but some appear suddenly to turn our world upside down. A knower of the nature of changes in the universe happily embraces sudden shocks. He knows the alchemy to convert them into humour; laughing at the surprises that life throws up.

This is your opportunity to transform fear and anxiety with self-reflection and delighting in the lightness of being. Check your heart, your motives, your attitudes, you will find darkness right there. So the change in self will manifest as change in the external circumstance.

The essential concept of Hexagram 51 is about the “fertilising shock” represented by earthquake, thunder, lightening, male sexual energy and the like. It indicates the coming-of-age or the breaking of the shell to awaken to life’s reality and the sense of inner arousal that leads to the vision of a complete circle – a whole.

Leader’s steady course

Not deterred by the fear of sudden change, a leader makes drastic changes in the traditional or customary procedures. Cautious but not fearful the superior man is steady in his sense of the divine presence in this world. Seeking to comply with heaven’s ways, he makes it his load-star with a clear and confident vision. He is stable in his reactions to suddenly change.

Guided by his extensively overreaching vision, he introspects sudden events with a steadfast demeanour. Thus the superior man discovers his reverence for the divine – the fundamental guiding principle in the formation of human society.

Associated image

An exceptionally dramatic scenario is seen where a Chinese man with a tuft of hair in the middle of his semi-bald head is suddenly apprehended by the falling of a branch of a tree that is hit by lightning. There is a young child who catches hold of the man and hides behind him covering his head with his left hand; presumably in fear, due to the loud thundering sound of the lightening. The sky is grim, the trees dry and leafless, the ground covered with muddy patches of water and tinkers of broken tree trunk are seen flying about due to the sudden breakage.


LINE 1 (YANG, Bottom)

It is a close call, unexpected, frightening and appearing to be dangerous. If shock and awe lead to laughter, it is considered auspicious. It calls for welcoming of radical ideas, perceptions; reiterating, a profound, inundating shock and everything is turned upside down. Instead of creating complications through pride, foolishly calling for help, have the courage to take a path-breaking decision, a defiant stand to break old patterns, norms, to release stuck-up and old energy. Innocent humour is the most naturally intelligent, humane act.


There is a deep sense of supposedly having lost something precious. Know that what’s lost comes around. Material, monetary losses multiply bringing shock, remorse, and grief. Avoid resisting, fighting or even pursuing what appears to have been lost. Let go and choose to rise higher. It takes a week for fortunes to turn. Be led gracefully, allow change to work its magic.


It is greatly fortunate if this natural shock spurs immediate action. Shock has the power to release dormant creative forces. Brightness can blinding. Shun impulsive forces to see. In the presence of conflict, retain presence of mind to generate appropriate defences. It is time to take forceful and decisive action.


It is wise to accept any sudden shock by adapting and by immediate movement. Paths are bound to be muddy after a thunderstorm. The separation of acceptable desires from legitimate desires creates feelings of being bogged down. Mired in depressing thoughts means that you are still unable to self-illumine. Clarity in thoughts and awareness is needed. Don’t be so shell-shocked to become catatonic. Stubborn resistance is a trap forever.


A time to stop running after impossible desires instead find solace within. Though danger is indicated, there is no great loss at hand. No new ventures are advised. Time to be wise, centred, grounded in self. Spirit of service is indicated, so do not divert from duty or lose focus. With the indication of a back-and-forth movement, just know that old quarrels are resolved only through compromise. Corruption related to sustenance and care are indicated.

LINE 6 (YIN, Top)

Being caught off-guard is discouraging enough to cause a panic attack. However, neighbours and relations seem to be reeling in commotion that was self-apprehended. A sort of culmination after deep introspection should set you free unless you are bound by false ideas of chastity. The independent spirit of change calls for faith and calm courage. Again, insight leads you away from compulsive reactions or regretful impulsive roundabouts. Having learnt unorthodox means is forever profitable.

(The writer is a Reiki and Naturopathy practitioner, and also practices Astrology as a hobby)


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