Hexagram 22: It Reflects And Retrospects Oneself

Hexagram 22: It Reflects And Retrospects Oneself

Also called “Adorning Bi” this hexagram speaks of matching our inner and outer worlds to reflect oneself (as in the mirror) and to reflect upon the best form possible

Kamakshi Francis FernandesUpdated: Saturday, November 18, 2023, 01:53 AM IST

A pleasing form radiates magnetism. A powerful mind yields decisive powers. An impressive appearance is in our own hands. As a general rule when the solution of a problem is in the form of beauty or appearance, it will also be the one that is well organised and closest to the truth. “Beauty of form is a mark of successful completion” notes The Book of Changes. It further says that if the appearance is given precedence over ‘substance’ then it defeats the purpose of the enterprise.

Essence of life & light

Content is king in any intellectual or physical work – not just the outward appearance. The same content can be boring and not pleasing to the mind. Thus, outward beauty of form is an essential element to the final completion of any human endeavour.

But outward beauty of form without ‘essential content’ is an empty shell – attractive but false and misleading. Religious ceremonies, festivals, celebrations of national days add to the beauty of the event, but are hollow empty display when the essence of the pageantry is not upheld. Beauty, symmetry, aesthetics are mere embellishments to a substantially meaningful event.

Value of content

If a man brings beauty of form to his work of substance, he becomes capable of doing great things. Beauty of form adds finishing touches to anything that is done well, but it is the finishing touch and should never determine the identity or structure of the substantial work that it graces.

The beauty of quiet contemplation is a necessary part of any man’s spiritual journey – but the essential thing is where the contemplation takes him – not the contemplation itself, says The Book of Changes.  


LINE 1 (YANG, Bottom)

Choosing to walk instead of using a vehicle, when it is available is grace to the feet. Take responsibility to make your own way, empower, adorn and go on foot. Humbly choose self-reliance instead of fake external luxuries. Be still, says the Book of Changes. Despise self-pity. Abandon it. Make your feet your slaves, dancing to your command. Run from other people’s fears and confusions. Scrutinise any guidance or help but cooperate with the process of change.


The beard is stroked and grace in found in the growth of hair or in the beard. Don’t miss the measured communique or its essence when the ornament on the human body is stroked. Be less concerned about outward appearances as the deepest magnetism emanates from within. The message is to be led, be patient as a higher power lifts you up. Unexpected sicknesses are spiritual in nature so disentangle from it.


Grace is translated as being moist. The vision is nourishing, almost ‘impregnating’ and going to affect generations to come. A sweet relationship tipsy on a lasting commitment is called for; the catch is in not getting drowned in its intoxication. Love is fortunate only through persistence and pleasant attentiveness. Eradicate unethical old patterns.


Grace is simple and sometimes represented by white horses. Mostly in art or mysticism, white horses in flight are adorned or venerated. Clarity in vision, pure, objective thinking avoids inappropriate reactions. Do not be suspicious, only trust will lead to the depths of relationships. All opposition is not criminal. A short-lived misunderstanding will glide by. Don’t fear to act alone as it is time to show your mettle, or regret at the loss of opportunity. Alliance in marriage is worthwhile, attributed to great wisdom. Your partnership will yield unending inspiration and energy.


Find grace on the hills and in the gardens. Humiliation ends in good fortune; sincerity leads to security as your inner self shines through. Centring yourself will delight you to sparkle. An invite to be part of a community, group or association is not to be ignored. Owning a form that exerts decisive powers over self and others is a blessing. Seek the higher path. Leave for the higher pastures, but leave a vestige at the place you start.

LINE 6 (YANG, Top)

In acceptance, is grace; sans complaints, nor blame as the light is safely hidden. Just as inspiration and joy comes from within, relax knowing that there is nothing to judge, it’s all perfect as is. Bare your inner self, its not a mistake, but a breakthrough to rejoice in the pristine inner landscape to gain virtues, clarity, freedom and joy. As you grow in delight to recognise how grace has all along been with you, resides within your heart to be never lost.

(The writer is a Reiki & Naturopathy practitioner and pursues Astrology as a hobby)


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