With many dog attack news videos surfacing online each day; another incident has come to light in Uttar Pradesh’s Greater Noida where a pet dog bit a security guard of a housing society on Wednesday. The incident happened in Greater Noida’s Unitech horizon society, located in sector PI 2. It was captured on the CCTV camera installed in housing society.
Watch the video below:
In a high-rise society in Uttar Pradesh’s Noida, previously too, a seven-month-old child of a labourer was mauled to death by a stray dog. The child’s intestines were pulled out in the attack.
Also, one among such incidences was again from a housing society in Noida. Two months ago, a medicine delivery agent fell prey to a dog bite while off-boarding the building lift of the Apex Athena society in Sector 75 of Noida.
While many such cases are reported, it is essential to know the reason behind the rise in dog attack incidences. A detailed study of the animal's behaviour needs to be done and a talk with the vet and animal activists can definitely help to resolve the issue to some extent.