Lucknow: In a viral video emerging from Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh, Assistant Labour Commissioner Vinita Singh is seen smashing a phone on the ground in anger during a brick kiln raid. Singh had objected to the brick kiln owner recording the raid proceedings and took away his phone.
In the video, she can be heard engaging in a heated argument with the man, allegedly calling him out for his misbehavior towards her. The man argues that he has the right to record the video and denies misbehaving with her. Singh loses her cool and forcefully smashes the phone on the ground. Several police officials and staff from her office are present in the vicinity. The incident reportedly occurred on May 23.
watch video here:
Owner alleges he was being pressured for bribe
The brick kiln owner, Bittu Upendra Singh, has alleged that he was being pressured to pay a bribe. In a video message, he also claims that he was later framed in a case and sent to jail after he confronted Assistant Labour Commissioner Vinita Singh.
The owner has claimed that the officers came in and stated that they had received reports of laborers being kept in the brick kiln against their will. Upon inspection, he claims that they found nothing and even recorded statements of the laborers. Later, these officials reportedly asked the owner to pay Rs 1 lakh, after which he paid Rs 15,000 and promised to pay the remaining amount later. Bittu Upendra Singh said that the officers returned to his brick kiln to collect the rest of the money, which he did not possess, and hence tried to record the injustice. This, he claims, angered the officers, after which false charges were framed against him.
watch video here: