Kili Paul, a popular Tanzania-based social media influencer, was recently seen recreating the Tamil movie song 'Arabic Kuthu' in his latest video. In 2022, when the song was out, he gave his first performance on the song, making the recent reel another recreation of the same. However, this time, Kili Paul ditches his traditional attire embracing a cool t-shirt paired with a denim bottom. His dance video, where he is seen going for a different look, is leaving his fans surprised and delighted.
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The video opens by showing the influencer enjoying the musical beats of the viral song and slowly shaking his leg to the rhythm. Soon, he dives further into the energetic song and starts grooving to it. With his impressive moves to the Arabic Kuthu track, a song that has captivated audiences with its dance worthy music and vibrant tunes, Kili turns his muddy space outside his house into his dance floor.
Sharing the video of his performance to the Thalapathy Vijay and Pooja Hegde beat, he mentioned it was a throwback from the time when the song was initially out.
Kili ditches regular attire
Years ago, in March 2022, Kili performed to the Arabic Kuthu song from the film Beast on Instagram. He was then seen pairing with his sister Neema Paul for the dance performance. That time, he grooved in his traditional outfit.
The recent video which surfaced online was said to be a throwback footage, but it left his fans captivated by his energetic style while offering a fresh twist with his new attire. "Is that you Paul?? Nice to see you in Jean & tee," netizens commented.
The impressive dance video was uploaded on August 11. It has already gone viral by attracting more than nine lakh views and 64,500 likes.