The internet seems to have got done watching 'Tum Tum' reels, a Tamil song that went viral and set a trend on social media, and started enjoying some other beats. How about checking out a dance reel on Benny Dayal & Himani Kapoor's 'Dum Dum' song from Band Baaja Baaraat?
A Mumbai cop named Amol Kamble, popularly known as the 'Dancing Cop' recently posted a reel on Instagram where he can be seen vibing to the Bollywood song from Ranveer Singh's film. His energetic steps along with a dancer partner identified as Harsh Kumar has impressed netizens since the day it surfaced on the internet.
Take a look at the video right here
In the post caption, the cop thanked Harsh for sharing the dance floor with him. He wrote, "@harshkumarofficiall sir it was my wish and you fulfilled it. Thank you so much sir (sic)."
The comments section hailed their sync and enthusiasm. The performance was praised by thousands of Instagram users. "Fyre ho tum fyre," said one, while another commented, "d kind of enthusiasm you have give inspiration to many people out there god bless you (sic)."
Read a few comments to the dance video below