A woman from a building in Kanjurmarg has caught the attention of social media users after her video of cleaning the window of her top floored house surfaced online. It showed the woman doing the household chore in a risky manner as she stood outside the window in a small balcony-like space there. The video recorded her standing at the edge of the window of the high rise flat without any safety precautions. Video below
The incident allegedly was reported from the Runwal Bliss building in Kanjurmarg. It was probably a flat on the 16th floor or above where a woman was spotted standing with a water bucket to clean the window. The chilling video captured her using a small cloth to repeatedly mop the window glass. Standing at the edge of the structure, she walked a few steps to dip the cloth into water and then back to wipe the window of any dust.
Netizens react
As the video was circulated on the internet, people reacted to the risky act. While some made comments highlighting how the incident was dangerous and needed caution, others looked at it in a lighthearted manner.
A few netizens brought to the notice of X users that "she's maid and was forced to clean the windows from outside by the owner." Netizens condemned the incident and termed it "Stupidity."
Some even shared memes and asked whether she's from a family of stuntpersons. "Bhai yeh stunt man ki beti hai kya Darr naam ka cheez hai kya nahi," read a reply to the viral X post.
On the other hand, some even suggested alternative products which could safe people from risking themselves for cleaning their homes. "Why are some people so crazy about cleaning?" asked an X user, while suggesting a solution to keep windows clean and clear. He wrote, "There's literally Magnetic window wipers that let you clean both sides at same time. We will buy flat worth crores, but will risk our life instead of spending 500 Rs."