Mainpuri: In a shocking video emerging from a private hospital in Ghiror, Mainpuri in Uttar Pradesh, a young girl was left to die outside the hospital after the staff of the facility threw her out as her condition deteriorated. In the viral videos, the staff of Radha Swami Hospital can be seen placing the unconscious patient on a bike and quickly returning inside as soon as they spot a camera. The video was widely shared on Twitter on Thursday.
The girl later succumbed to her condition outside the hospital due to lack of treatment. The Chief Minister's Office (CMO) has reportedly sealed the hospital after the incident came to light.
watch video here:
Similar medical negligence case
Similar cases of medical negligence have been reported from the state recently. A few days ago at Amethi's Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, a newly wed woman was given anesthesia injection after which the woman died. UP Deputy CM Brijesh Pathak had ordered an investigation into the said matter. A thorough investigation led to the discovery of gross medical negligence on part of the hospital after which, an order was issued to seal it.