A CCTV video of a woman being beaten on the roadside in Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh has surfaced online and gone viral. A man who was walking by placing one of his hands on the shoulder of a burqa-clad woman suddenly got aggressive on his route and started to assault her. Reportedly, the incident was part of the recently exposed sex racket from the region and it showed the man repeatedly beating the woman allegedly after she refused to go with him and get intimate.
Details about viral video
It was learned that the incident surfaced from the Lucknow-Prayagraj National Highway on June 20 when the woman opposed the sexual demands put forth by the man. Media reports hint that the CCTV recorded visuals of the woman forcefully being taken to a room, following her resistance in this regard.
Police action follows
Police have taken cognisance of the matter and are investigating it. Efforts are being taken to identify and arrest the involved culprit seen in the video. Taking to Twitter and replying to the viral video, the Raebareli Police said, "On the basis of the video, an investigation is underway by the Harchandpur police team. Legal action will be taken after the investigation."
Raebareli Sex Racket
Earlier this week, a sex racket was busted from a hotel in Didoli village in Harchandpur, Raebareli. The police team raided the Vrindavan hotel there during the night hours and detained three women and two men over unethical activities.