Earlier this week, a Pakistani bike-hailing and parcel delivery app 'Bykea' was hacked to send abusive messages to its users. Phones having Bykea installed received "Pakistan ki m** ka b*****" text to leave them in shock and worrying about what went wrong with the app. Following this, other apps in the country tried to attract the attention of their customers in a quirky way.
Others apps react
Apps referring to the automobile and e-commerce sector reacted to the security compromise of Bykea and notified their users that they weren't hacked. Krave Mart, an online delivery store for groceries, notified its app users saying "Pakistan Pe Humain Hai... Bharosa!" Similarly, another instant delivery service 'Cheetay' wrote: "We are NOT hacked."
Meanwhile, online shopping site 'Daraz' also messaged its users when Bykea was hacked and sent abusive texts. "We are NOT hacked. Bike bulao nai, jeeto," they said taking a dig at the former app.
Bykea responds
However, after a while, taking note of the chaos, Bykea released a clarification on the incident and stated its service to have got hacked on June 13, 2023, leading to such inappropriate texts sent to customers.
"We apologise... confirm that this was a third party communication tool which got compromised," the app said in a statement while informing that the app is fully functional now and safe to use. "Pakistan Zindabad," they added.