Orhan Awatramani, the internet personality who went viral for being spotted next to several celebrities in pictures, has drawn the attention of social media once again. This time, he got famous for one of his comments made during a recent interview. Also known as Orry was heard calling himself a "liver" as he is living a life. "I am living, I am liver," he said. WATCH VIDEO:
A look into the viral comment
"You go for a job, you are a jobber. You paint, you are a painter. I am living, I am a liver. Yea, I am a liver," Orry said during the interview. "I am working on myself. I am going to the gym, I am doing a lot of self-reflection, sometimes I do yoga, I go for a massage, I am working, but I am working on myself," he added.
Memes surface on social media
As the word could have two possible meanings, one referring to the internal organ and the other what Orry intended at (an alive person), the comment took the internet by storm and resulted in triggering a meme fest. Netizens couldn't hold back from reacting to the 'liver' remark by Orry and they did so in the most hilarious ways possibles. Funny messages and memes surfaced on X (formerly known as Twitter). The term 'liver' has been trending on X, on Wednesday.
The comment landed up in people vibing to it and creating similar sentences. "I just like to be, am I a beer?" asked one in reply to Orry's viral words. Another next-lever reaction, read, "I am a kid and I nap, so am a kidnapper."
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