In a chilling incident, a man who tried boarding a moving train slipped into the gap between the coach and the platform. Passengers on the platform and an alert Railway Protection Force official rushed to the rescue of the man. They extended support to the man and tried to pull him out of the dangerous position. It was learned that the man saw a narrow escape from death as he was successfully rescued at the railway station under the Nagpur division.
The Central Railway on Twitter shared the CCTV recording of the incident while informing citizens about the incident with the view to alerting travellers to ensure safety. RPF Ravindra Kumar was acknowledged for his efforts to immediately save the passenger's life.
On Tuesday evening, a man was seen trying to get into a train that had started departing the platform. He was unable to get hold of the door handle to board it and also lost balance during his attempt to rush into the coach, leading to him falling off the transport. The visuals showed him slipping into the platform-train gap followed by people rushing to comfort and help him. Fortunately, his life was saved.