The internet couldn't keep calm after having come across a video that showed a Zomato delivery partner riding a horse to a customer's location. As the clip went viral on social media, X users reacted to it in hilarious ways. While some shared memes in reply to the incident, others messaged in a funny fashion taking note of the bizarre happening. Netizens wondered whether it was "for real" or a public stunt planned by the company. Regardless, the incident caught the attention of people and made them react to it.
Check reactions
X users imagined the state of food going through the bumpy ride and questioned whether it would be instant by the time it would reach the doorstep of the customer. On this note, they asked how would the delivery turn out if a cake was ordered.
It was reported that the video surfaced from Hyderabad, leading to people calling it "Peak Hyderabad things." Some even messaged claiming that the city wasn't for a normie. They believed that the region welcomed such quirky stuff and it isn't easy to become a 'local.' "Hyderabadi aisich nai bante," netizens said.
Video attracts thousands of views
The video showing the delivery partner taking a horse to delivery the order was repeatedly shared across social media platforms. It attracted thousands of views on X. The video opened by showing a busy road with vehicular movement followed by the entry of the horse. A man was seated on the animal and riding it carefully through the traffic. He wore the uniform of Zomato and carried on his back a delivery box of the company.