A few days after a person from Hyderabad complained about the food quality of a fish biryani he ordered online, another case of a similar nature surfaced online. A customer who planned to soothe their cravings by enjoying a delicious chicken biryani witnessed one of the worst life experiences as a dead lizard was found in the dish.
In the disgusting incident, a food treat to self turned worrying after a dead lizard was found in the chicken biryani ordered online from the city's Bawarchi Biryani located at the RTC Crossroads. It was learned that the victim of the food mishap later took to the restaurant and protested in front of the gate along with his family, according to local media reports. The protest affected the eatery's business as people exited the place learning about the lizard case.
Shocking visuals showing the lizard laying lifeless in the rice item recently surfaced online and went viral. It also recorded that the parcel over of the Hyderabadi restaurant while claiming what went wrong.
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Earlier, a dead cockroach was found in a plate of Hyderabadi biryani ordered home. It was reported from the Koti area of the city when a fish biryani ordered online was found to be contaminated. The customer took to Reddit narrating his ordeal and said, "Looks like the hotel staff were kind enough to give me some extra protein in the form of a dead cockroach." He pointed out giving a zero rating on the food quality due to the bad experience.