Mumbai welcomed the rainy season this June and witnessed light to moderate rainfall to bring a major relief from the scorching heat and humidity that the city had been experiencing during its summer. Cyclone Biparjoy resulted in Mumbai witnessing a change in the weather conditions and experiencing a downpour with cloudy skies.
Taking note of the pleasant weather in the city and its suburbs, people took to share visuals from the scenic rainy day on social media. Mumbaikars were pleased to welcome rains and enjoy it so much as to trend the hashtag 'Mumbai Rains' on Twitter after they flooded several tweets on the microblogging site.
Take a look at some visuals shared on Twitter
Cyclone Biparjoy Updates
Biparjoy is a cyclonic storm that formed in the Arabian Sea and is expected to cross near Gujarat's Jakhau Port around June 15. Cyclone Biparjoy made its presence felt along the Mumbai coast earlier this week, resulting in gusty winds, relentless pounding of the waves, submerging waterfronts, and rainfall in parts of the city.
High tide hit the Worli Sea Face in Mumbai on Tuesday. The IMD predicted that Mumbai would witness a partly cloudy sky with a possibility of light to moderate rain accompanied by thundershowers. The speed of winds was expected to be around 45-55kmph.