Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): Devotees were troubled by sudden change in traffic system in Mahakal Temple area here on Thursday morning. Barricades blocked the road leading to the Darshan Dwar and Bada Ganesh Mandir. In view of Shiv Mahapuran Katha being organised on Badnagar Road from April 4, the traffic system was tweaked from Katha Sthal to Mahakal Temple area. The queue of devotees for Mahakal darshan was seen from Char Dham Temple via Triveni Museum to Mahakal Lok via main gate of Mahakal Temple.
With the new arrangement, devotees were having darshan of Mahakal after walking about 3 km. Till Wednesday evening, traffic from Mahakal Mandir crossing in front of Maharajwada Bhawan to Bhasma Aarti gate of Mahakal Mandir and Bada Ganesh Mandir was on. But on Thursday morning, the road was blocked by placing barricades.
Due to this, devotees and common people were also deprived of going to Bada Ganesh temple. After closure of the road, the devotees had to pass through an elevated path between the construction work going on behind Maharajwada School building to reach Bhasma Aarti Dwar and Bada Ganesh Mandir. Even the officials of the Mahakal Temple Management Committee are not able to clarify the sudden change in traffic system.