Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): The assistant manager of DP Jewellers has accused the cashier of embezzlement of Rs 5 lakh. After watching the CCTV footage, Madhav Nagar police registered a case of fraud and breach of trust against the accused. TI Yogendra Yadav said that on the complaint of Pankaj Vyas, assistant manager of DP Jewellers, located in front of police control room, a case of fraud has been registered against the cashier. Vyas told the police that Gautam, son of Sureshchandra Jain works as a cashier at the branch.
On September 26 at 11 am, the manager had asked Vyas to count Rs 37 lakh kept in the cash counter. Vyas had instructed that out of this, Rs 31 lakh should be deposited in the company’s account. Disobeying the instructions of the management, Jain withdrew Rs 36 lakh from cash counter without informing the management and deposited Rs 31 lakh in the company’s account at ICICI Bank. Accused Gautam allegedly embezzled Rs 5 lakh by breaching the trust. After the incident, DP Jewellers management has suspended him from the post of cashier in Ujjain branch. The accused is said to be absconding after a complaint was lodged at the police station. He resides at Shivaji Park Colony.