Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): Around 5,227 MP Public Service and Forest Services aspirants will appear in preliminary examinations for 2022 to be held on Sunday. Thirteen examination centers have been set-up across the district for these examinations. In the first shift between 10 am and 12 noon, general studies examination would be conducted. In the second shift between 2.15 pm and 4.15 pm, paper of general interest subject would be held.
Students have been advised to report at respective examination centre half-an-hour in advance. They would have to bring entry letter, photo identity card and black ball point pen. Mobile phone, wrist watch, belt, clutcher, wrist band, etc would be strictly prohibited. Rubber, pencil and whitener will not be allowed in the examination room. The MPPSC has deployed one observer and tehsildar as flying squad member and photographer at every examination center.