Former Indian captain MS Dhoni continues to hog the limelight despite being retired from international cricket three years ago. The Chennai Super Kings captain was seen sporting a new hairstyle for an ad photoshoot. Renowned hairstylist Aalim Hakim shared numerous pictures of the same on his official Instagram account, stating it's privilege to be associated with Dhoni.
A few days ago, the 42-year-old was spotted donning a ponytail in a video that did plenty of rounds in the social media. It left fans guessing whether the Ranchi-born cricketer will return to IPL 2024 with a hairstyle that made him extremely popular in the first place.
"I’m always grateful that I get this honour to show my craft by styling his hair" - Aalim Hakim
"It’s an amazing opportunity for any creative person to get associated with Mahendra Singh Dhoni and I’m always grateful that I get this honour to show my craft by styling his hair 💇♂️….We have done some really cool different hairstyles in the past but before the last IPL when everyone was cutting their hair sharp and short... That time Mahi bhai showed me one image of his which was a fanmade image of him with long hair and I just got fascinated with that image and requested him to grow his hair long."
Hakim added that he gave Dhoni's hair new colour and texture on this occasion, having been a massive fan of his long hair.
"I have been a huge fan of Mahi bhai’s long hair, we decided to create an all new texture and colour for the hair…I really enjoyed creating this effortless hairstyle for Mahi bhai. So here I am sharing some images which I clicked before he went to give a shot for an ad film. Always a pleasure to work with him."
Following IPL 2023 final, the 42-year-old dropped a massive hint at returning for one more season, but stressed that his body should hold up.