Guiding Light: Thought Monitoring

Guiding Light: Thought Monitoring

Each thought brings along a chain of other thoughts of similar nature, and put together they can gain momentum to create desirable or undesirable results.

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj jiUpdated: Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 07:32 PM IST
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Not many of us know that everything that is visible to us through our physical eyes today, every particle of matter that we can touch and feel now first had its blueprint in the human mind. In other words, everything outside is a physical manifestation of what is inside. Therefore, everything in the universe was first born as a thought or a tiny sentient point or dot. When a thought expands, depending upon its nature and quality, it can soothe one with peace and prosperity or disturb the self and others. Each thought brings along a chain of other thoughts of similar nature, and put together they can gain momentum to create desirable or undesirable results. Hence, we should realise that a thought gives birth to an idea that may spread like wildfire or bring about a revolution. It is the mother of all change, maybe for the better or for the worse.

Today we all are experiencing how the present era dominated by vices and wickedness is promoting devilish tendencies. Hence, the speed and intensity of negative thoughts is much greater than the positive ones which are very few. The major part of these positive thoughts fritters away before implementation due to a greater momentum of internal weak thoughts and the force of the external environment presently conducive for unrighteousness. Under such circumstances, the practice of meditation lends power to our thoughts. It helps us to realise our positive and pure intentions by reinforcing and re-programming them into our minds. It unleashes the vast positive capacity of our thoughts - the infinite power to visualise the most beautiful and realise it in this three-dimensional real world. So much is its capacity that in its most powerful stage of meditation, our mind could even transform the outside negative vibrations and situations into positive ones.

So, take a pause to check what kind of thoughts are being created in your mind for these will decide the degree of your happiness and satisfaction. And these will shape the kind of world you are creating for yourself every moment. Monitor your thoughts to see what you are creating and what is being destroyed; what are the tendencies that are being watered and which are the ones that are being allowed to droop. Take charge to consciously create positive thoughts and destroy the evil ones. Take charge to create what you would receive a few steps away from now.

The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and the UK. He can be contacted at


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